Business Phrases that Stick: The Art of Greetings and Farewells

Don’t Mess with Joey Chestnut

This Week …

  1. Summer Shorts: From Hi to Bye: Turn of Phrases That Make an Impression

  2. Before We Go …

1. Greetings and Goodbyes with Cleverness

It is delightful when organizations play with words to further mission connection to a good turn of phrase.

Lululemon, for those go-getter fashionista exercise enthusiasts, offers an inspriing entry:

Memoir, a new hip restaurant in downtown Omaha, knows how to say goodbye with an invitation:

2. Before We Go … Say it Ain’t So Joe

Joey Chestnut’s Bad Week:

Is it really the 4th of July without Joey in the Nathan’s Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest? The news broke last week with wall-to-wall news coverage, including an op-ed in the Washington Post:

  • Daily Wire: Hot Dog Legend Joey Chestnut Signs With Vegan Brand, Gets Booted From July 4th Competition

  • Washingtion Post Op-ed: Joey Chestnut, the best there ever was: You want to see greatness? The GOAT of hot dog eating, in his own specific way, is greatness.

  • But wait! There is hope: New York Post: Joey Chestnut ‘very hopeful’ things can be worked out with Nathan’s after shock ban

God speed Joey Chestnut!

See you next week …


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